Saturday 9/19/09
Light rain in the early morning, high winds (gusts 50-55 mph), ice and snow
Today's Hike:
Birches Campsite to Katadhin (Baxter Peak) and back - 10.4 miles
After breakfast we made our way down to the trailhead and signed in at the base of the mountain. We were the first two on the trail that day. No one else was ambitious enough to start before 5:30am. At least we had motivation on our side. After registering we continued up the mountian. The first 2 - 2.5 miles were pretty easy going. The rain let up and the sky remained overcast but the high winds kept the clouds moving quickly. We were hoping they were moving away from the mountain and lending way to clear blue skies.
Somewhere around mile 2.5 we reached treeline where we were presented with enormous boulders. Holy cow...we had to climb those...for like a mile...straight up......and it was windy....really, really, really windy. Good times lay ahead. We packed away our trekking poles and began our rock climbing ascent toward Baxter Peak. The wind was insane, very remenscent of my first wind storm over Max Patch. Not so strong that I couldn't move (like the wind storm over the humps) but strong enough to knock you around a little. I could totally handle this. Then came mile three on our ascent; three miles down two to go. It was around this point that ice began appearing between boulders, then as we continued to move up in the windy, bouldery terrain the ice between the boulders spread to being on the boulders. Great. Then the ice on the boulders gave way to snow and ice covered boulders. Freakin' fantastic. We took shelter behind a boulder and took a minute to add another layer of clothes. It was then that Grom and I also had a fairly serious come to jesus meeting with the current situation. Keep going up or turn around and go back? This was nothing we haven't been through before, but it wasn't ideal either. If it started to rain, sleet, or snow we would be in trouble. But this was it. This was our one shot at summitting. We had to leave town that night. It was now or not at all. The clouds were moving fast. The forecast called for the skies to clear up as the day progressed. We were going up.
We took only a few moments at the summit. The winds were still to high, and sitting still for to long was cold and uncomfortable. We stayed long enough to take our pictures and enjoy a sunlit view of what at the moment felt like it could be the top of the world.
Our hike down the mountain was incredible. The winds were still ridicuously high but the views were amazing. The sky had completely cleared up and we had nearly 360 views the entire way down. Absolutely breathtaking.
When we reached the bottom, Grommet's friend Twix (SOBO 2007) was there to pick us up. We hopped into her car along with Hobbit, Nickers, and Shark who had just completed their slackpack from abol bridge to the birches and headed into Millinocket for food and showers. We at lunch/dinner at the AT Cafe. Round one for me was a veggie Burger and french friens and round two was the Cafe's famous 14 scoop Sunday. Ok, so I didn't eat the whole sunday by myself, I shared it with Grom and Twix, but still, thats like eatting almost a 5 scoop sunday all to myself. Yummy! We also added our signatures to the 2009 ceiling tiles while we were there and had fun checking out who else had finished their through hike at the Cafe.
After eatting we headed over to the AT Lodge for a quick shower. By 7pm we were on our way to Boston, MA. By midnight we were at Twix's apartment and by 12:30am I was out like a light. What a day.
Today's Video's:
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