Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 107

Overcast and muggy. High around 75 degrees.

Today's Hike:
Camping to Duncannon, PA - 12.5 miles

We were all suppose to be up and on the trail by 7:30am this morning, but after last nights late arrival into camp none of us were able to crawl out of our tents until 7:15. An hour later we were on the trail motivated by the thought of a hot shower, food, and a cold beer. The hike in was pretty rocky and tough on my feet. I’m trying to think of it as preparation of what the next 180 miles of PA may be like.

We walked into town around 2:30pm and straight into the Doyle Hotel/Bar. Never in my lifetime would I have thought that I would walk into a bar and request a room for the night, but I guess there's a first time for everything. The owners, Vicky and Pat, have been wonderful and the food is fantastic. They even had a veggie burger on the menu :)

After rushing to get chores done, we had a good meal and a fun game of celebrity with the Packadivas (Grommet, Storm, and Rocket) and The Georgia Girls. We heard that the forecast is calling for 5 days of rain.....not a good sign for us. We're suppose to leave tomorrow. We'll see how that goes in the morning.

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