Thursday 9/17/09
Overcast with some light rain.
Today's Hike:
Potaywadjo Spring Lean-To to Rainbow Springs Campsite - 22.0 miles
On an upside I saw Katadhin twice today and shes still as massive and beautiful as she appeared to be from the top of White Cap. The first siting was this morning from Pemadumcook Lake and the second was this afternoon from the viewpoint of Nesundabunt Mountain. Even when I see her I still can't believe it. I'm not sure if I'll ever really comprehend what it is I've been doing out here.
Grom and I stopped at Wadleigh Lean-To for lunch today where we met up with Nickers, Hobbit, Shark, and Stats. Nickers and Hobbit have officially dubed Grom and I as the Paparazzi Team. We can go with that :) Although it should be made clear that Grom is the queen of paparazzi's. Think of me as the paparazzi apprentice...learning from the master of the trade :)
It was a late night into camp tonight, we night hiked the last 4.0 miles. Luckily we were joined by a rather large deer and serenaded by loons. Who gets to have that on their nightly exercise? Man, I'm really gonna miss trail life :)
Today's Video's:
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