Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 183

Day 183
Monday 8/31/09

Weather: Sunny, No Rain

Today's Hike: Southarm Rd. - 0.0 miles

OK, I know that I've said that I didn't want to take anymore zero days until we finished this thing, but how can you hike the AT and NEVER take a zero in the woods? You can't. So today Grommet (Grom) and I zeroed in the woods and it was the best zero day on the trail. Nothing but relaxation and pure bliss. Somewhere around noon I finally climbed out of the tent to find Nutmeg and Billy Hoot also still at camp. Sweet, zero day company :) Unfortunately, Nutmeg was having a migraine. So Grom and I went into town, picked up pizzas for everyone and some med's for Nutmeg and made our way back to camp.

After an exhausting 3 hours in town (sense the sarcasm), I took another 2 hour nap and awoke sometime around 7pm, apparently just in time to find David (Pine Ellis hostel owner) at our campsite with an 18 pack of Bud. And of course, Grom was back to knocking down trees and making an out of control bonfire. Didn't I say best zero ever???

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Zero Day Company!

Grom Getting Firewood

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